Holistic development and wellbeing

Give your child the best possible start in lifelong learning with FinlandWay® early childhood education programme

Learning with happy ambition on five continents

FinlandWay® brings Finland’s renowned education system to schools worldwide, focusing on future skills, holistic wellbeing, and a strong academic foundation.

Play-based learning

Children are naturally curious and they love to explore new things. Through play-based methodology, learning becomes meaningful and it creates deeper learning experiences. Our teachers are instructed to support and guide children to discover their natural love of and ability for life-long learning.

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Tested and research-based

FinlandWay® approach is based on the latest knowledge of education science and our team’s experience in Finnish nurseries and preschools. Programme has been developed by PhD level experts and it has been tested and it is operating on three continents.

Participatory approach

Children are agents of their own learning and their opinion should be heard and respected at age-appropriate level. Teachers support children to communicate their ideas and opinions through their own means and encourage them to democratic decision-making.

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An environment designed for learning

The FinlandWay® classrooms are designed to support active learning, dynamic interaction, small group work and continuous development of children. The staff is trained to create physically and psychologically safe learning spaces where children can try their new skills; they are encouraged and treated as full members of the learning community.

Daily insights for parents

The FinlandWay® parents’ mobile application offers day-to-day insights into your child’s development and everyday life at school so you can always be at ease. Follow your child’s learning journey through teacher’s posts that include photos and daily learning goals.

Partner with us!

A FinlandWay® School provides you with an unparalleled opportunity to invest in your own future – while helping to build a better future for children in your community.
Make an inquiry now!

Schools worldwide

Melbourne: North Star 

Brasil :

Sao Paulo: pilot unit

Colombia : Bogotá

Great Britain : London: Nordic Star

Kuwait : Kuwait city

Tangier: Ecole Al Amana FinlandWay®
Casablanca: Madina Kids FinlandWay®
Marrakesh: Groupe Scolaire Benabdallah

Peru : Lima: pilot unit
Vietnam : Ho Chi Minh City: pilot unit


Schools worldwide



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